My real proms in high school were all right events, but not the kind of night that a girl dreams about. Our high school had two proms, one for juniors and their dates and one for seniors and their dates. I attended the junior prom with a friend; we had a double date with another couple that were also friends. The dance was fine and I wore a lovely coral colored tea-length spaghetti-strapped dress. My senior prom was with a mere acquaintance; we attended with another couple. I ended up dating the other guy for about a month after the prom. The senior prom dress was strapless aqua taffeta dress with chiffon overlaying the skirt part, which was street length in front and dipped to floor length in the back. The dresses were actually lovely and hand-me-downs from my sisters. I wish that I had a picture to show you the beautiful dresses.

After graduation, I met my husband-to-be, Daddy D, on July 1, 1964. Thus, we never attended a prom together other than as chaperones sometime in the eighties. Sunshine at
and the pursuit of happiness has picture on her blog of our prom date as chaperones. Since we like to dance and missed prom, I was excited to learn of Sunshine's venture. I am sure that everyone will have a fabulous time.
Daddy D and I do enjoy dancing, and we have attended a variety of dances together. The picture shows us dressed to attend a Christmas Dance when I was a freshman in college and he was a junior. My dress is another hand-me-down. Note the long white gloves. Women often wore long white gloves to dances in those years. Those were the days my friend.
Ye make a very handsome couple!
I love to dance too, but my sidekick has 2 left feet.
I have tried, on numerous occasions to drag his unwilling body onto the dance floor .... and to even teach him a few basics ....
A most uncooperative man.
His dancing prowess is one of my unfinished projects.
He, of course, is unaware of this.
Love that song "Those Were the Days"
Did you have a cigarette holder for the dress? Those gloves definitely need a cigarette holder. Even if it's a candy cigarette. ;)
What a looker she is! Such a lucky guy to know the right questions and the answers to keep love alive.
What a beautiful smile and photo! I hate to admit this, but I have never been to a prom. I attended many dances in college--but never in high school, where I was a rather bookish nerd.
"We thought they'd never end...." one of my favourite songs. Molly , did you read my "Thinking Cap" post?---a few posts back. If you didn't could you check it out?
You wild and crazy kids!
Ever get the gloves out now for anything, just to have a flashback moment???
lovely couple, I remember my leavers do, I got so drunk and had the hangover from hell next day, we didn't dance like you did in the old days, although I would love to try it one day, that is proper dancing.
I love to hear stories of a couple that has stayed together all these years. Inspiring. You are both so cute.
I wish gloves would come back in style to cover up my sun/age spots.
I'm taking a medication that says "NO SUN" ... but that is a difficult task.
Gloves would be the ticket!
...we thought they'd never end we'd sing and dance forever and a day we lived the life......" and so on the song goes.
You look look a happy couple: your smile says it all and a smile never lies.
Y:-) Paddy
Dear mjd. Ooo err you guys look GREAT! You look so beautiful in that dress. Woo woo.
hat is a sensational pic of you guys! You look so happy!
oohh very nice looking pic! ;) i love the hair style!
This is one of my favorite pictures of the two of you ever. :)
Great pic. I can't believe I'm 37 and happy about being at Prom today :) The silly things in life. Thanks for your comments yester day.
You look so pretty. I love your dress!
Oh and thanks for visiting my site.
Wow! Just popped over here to see what was up - and I freakin' missed the prom!! What a neato idea. Cute photo of you two!
What a great picture!
Seeing you two have so much fun dancing together at our wedding reception was one of the highlights of my night! So cool!
You look lovely. I think it's so fun that you two got to make prom as chaperones.
Just gorgeous, reminds me of when I was a kid and my nan and pop and mum and dad wiould go out for dances with the Masonic lodge. I even got to attend a couple of them when it was a family event.
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