My son Luke is a sometimes blogger, who is soon to be an everyday blogger as he has joined the madness of NaBloPoMo. Luke has had a blog at
Useless Clutter for a few years. Luke and his lovely wife, Frema, (as you might remember) are soon to become parents. Another grandchild, of course, brings thoughts of joy. But moreover, new grandchildren cause grandparents to reminisce about the days when the parent-to-be was a child. Luke as a child seemed to love and enjoy life. He had a good time on regular days as well as holidays, and he seemed to have an especially good time on Halloween. As Luke grew to adulthood, his fondness for Halloween continued. When he was little, I made costumes for both sons. Luke continued this practice for a few years creating his own costumes. His first costume was an alligator. Or, was that a crocodile that he made in high school? Although I made the terrifying ghost costume in the picture above, Luke suggested the nature of this ghost. On this Halloween evening, when no trick-or-treaters came to our door. I think back to the very first costume that I made for Luke's older brother, Dean, and the many costumes that followed. Do recognize all of Luke's Halloween alter-egos? Or should that be doppelgangers?
Luke is actually Darth Vader in this picture, and his brother, Dean, is Luke Skywalker with the cool grappling hook made by Daddy D.

Luke was a newspaper reporter for a few years so the Clark Kent disguise fits our hero.
Doesn't everyone love Charlie Brown?
The year just go bye. It is good to have such yearly pictures as marks of the passing years.
Happy Halloween, MJD! I love it when you share pictures of your family. And fine family it is!
What fantastic costumes. I can see the appeal of Halloween, what a shame we don't have it!
I already mentioned to someone else today how sorry I am that I don't have a chronological costume scrapbook - or at least just the pictures. They may be somewhere ???
I love the costumes.It makes me want to drag out my old photos. Sigh.
Obviously - your son enjoys Halloween as an adult as much as he did as a child!! Great costumes - Mario is the best, I think.
It's nice to take a trip down memory lane. He clearly enjoys Halloween.
Aw, he's adorable, even as a grown-up. But he's just got waaaay too much hair to be Charlie Brown. Tell him to try again in a few years *grin*
We never dressed up as children as Halloween had really hit our shores then. I used to be dead jealous of all the American children dressing up...I wonder is thay why I love dressing up so much now.
Oh my gosh, I LOVE that Shaggy picture. Can you send it to me?
Great costumes! I like Luke's newspaper reporter costume the best. I wore something like that to the birth of my son. I know... I'm a bit of freak. ;)
I actually recycled the Charlie Brown shirt and worn it to the office yesterday, though my co-workers were none the wiser that it wasn't a new one. BWA-HA-HA-HA!
Cool pics :D
Halloween is so fun.
That's a very cool Homer costume! We had a very poor showing of ghouls and goblins last night......leaving a lot of candy around that someone[???] will have to eat.
BTW, that was NOT my first NaBloPoMo post, both because it was on 31 st. Oct. AND [most importantly!] because I have decided trying to post every day for a month would land me in the loony bin for sure given the present computer situation.... But I'll be commenting.
Also, Molly Bawn was what my grandmother sometimes called me. The other grandma. Most people don't call me Molly, though it is an acceptable substitute for my given name and I wouldn't mind at all if they did!
Great costumes. Looks like lots of fun.
Happy Belated Halloween! I like the pictorial.
Oh, I love the costumes! Just goes to show that you are never too old for Halloween!
Love the Superman!!!
Clark Kent? Bart! Mario! Charlie Brown? I did not quite get that one.
This is so cute. I love the Mario costume!
Happy Days!!
What inventive costumes! I will have to find a photo of my most recent adult costumes...I went once as a bag of raked up leaves. Man, that was itchy.
What a character he is!!! And I swear, that top pic of him could soooo be my Nicholas...that blonde hair, that cheeky smile, yeppers!!
The best pictures. ever. I especially love the homemade light saber!!!!
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