The Humble Housewife, is this week's Fun Monday hostess. Deborah is asking to hear about our holiday traditions. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving as the holiday involves getting together with family and/or friends to share good food, good thoughts, and good will. Thanksgiving in our home usually involves a rather traditional fare of turkey, cranberries, stuffing, candied yams, pumpkin bread, and the last few years
Molly's Cranberry Pie that was featured in another Fun Monday post. Other than almost always having turkey, I cannot think of many traditions surrounding the holiday. In earlier years, we had Thanksgiving with our extended family. As our children grew, we spent most of the holidays at home with our sons. Now, they both are married. For this holiday, we have been invited to our oldest son's home for a festive meal the day after Thanksgiving.
Daddy D carving the turkey in 1972
We do have one tradition that is relatively unique. For the past few years, we have been visiting the
Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area to see the sandhill cranes. During their fall migration, the cranes stopover for a time in Indiana before traveling on south for the winter months. Viewing the cranes at sunset is spectacular sight. However, the winds can be quite cold at the viewing area. Perhaps, Daddy D and I will make a trip to see the cranes on Thanksgiving evening.
A cold Thanksgiving holiday family expedition to see the sandhill cranes

Now, to learn about other Fun Monday holiday traditions throughout the world, visit Deborah to see the list of participants.
I can imagine the cranes are quite spectacular to see in flight. I think it's such fun to create a family tradition.
"Ditto" New traditions are always more fun and this one looks fabulous.
Oh oh! *swallowing hard*
Are we related?!!
Golly, my heart took a leap. When I saw your photo you shared of "Daddy in 1972".....your father could be my brother!!!! Wow....they always say we each have a 'twin' somewhere....well, your dad looks JUST like my bro!! [but the ages would make up the difference ---Phew....*wiping brow*, that was close]
PS-even the mustache!!
How cool to see the cranes. I hope you share more pics of the cranes. :D
Yum that pie sounds good.
love the crane photos - what a nice tradition
Sounds very family like and traditional indeed.
Great pic! I love this time of year, and I love your tradition.
Have a good time watching the birds. I loved being in South Bend this time of year to chase the geese when Pup was at ND.
Crane-viewing - too cool! And I'm a bad holiday dinner guest - I like my cranberry sauce, right out of the can.
I love this picture of Daddy D carving the turkey. The old stove looks good to me too. I love those old ones and have one myself. I do not like the new stoves. There is just no room to work. We will be feeding near 30 people for Thanksgiving this year.Had to move the doins to Heathers house. We cannot pack that many people into my house.Hope to see pictures of your day. Many blessings to you.
I love the thought of going to see the cranes!
That picture of Daddy D should be in a vintage cookbook...he looks like he knows his way around the kitchen (or at least the turkey).
I LIKE your unique tradition...your bottom photo was beautiful. Last year we had a shooting contest, with a bow & arrow (can't remember, but I think that was Christmas...I blogged it, of course, lol). If we do it again, it's as good as a REAL tradition, huh?
I'd love to see the cranes! That sounds like a great tradition.
I've been to see the cranes at that very place. It's an amazing sight - and the noise of them. It was very exciting.
Cranes! Wow, what a great tradition.
Seeing the cranes is great fun. But every year it has been very cold. But then coats take care of most of the loss of body thermal energy.
Viewing the cranes sounds like a great tradition. We will be finding our own new traditions this year and I want to find something unusual!
I'm making your cranberry pie this Thanksgiving! I had been trying to remember who had posted the recipe and they here it is. Thanks for mentioning it today!!
And that sunset photo? Just gorgeous!
I agree with you about Thanksgiving. There is all the warmth of family, and food-yet none of the stress of gift gifting at Christmas. I love it!
thanks for stopping by and sharing the well-wishing blog love!
sandhill cranes! i love them. there's a sanctuary not too far from here where you can see them. that's a terrific tradition.
Wow, that cranberry pie sounds awesome! I'm all over that one!
Thanks for reminding me of your cranberry pie! The photos are awesome!!
That was my favorite part of Thanksgiving growing up ...the gathering of loved ones! I miss that. My hub and I are only children.
My Grandma was a one room school teacher in the 30's. She was just one very creative woman!
Those cranes are so cool! What a lovely idea! Thanks for sharing! :-)
That is a nice tradition. Getting our in nature cannot go wrong. We have a nature sanctuary near us we have been too a few times also.
Those cranes cause quite a stir in these parts when they come south for the winter. We ARE talking about the ones who are led by humans in crane-like flying gear?? Aren't we?
Thanks for the welcome.
I'm enjoying learning more about thanksgiving, and your photos are fab, especially the cranes in the sky as the sun is about to set. :D
I'm late in reading FM this week, but your crane viewing tradition sounds great. My husband and I are bird watchers too.
I loved the 70's photo of DaddyD!
i also loved the 70s photo - and the cranes too!
thanks for coming to visit. i'm sorry i'm so slow getting over here. have a great weekend!
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