Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fun Monday - Steppin' out

Our hostess, Hootin' Anni , for this Fun Monday has posed a game for us to play. The game is reminiscent of the children's game Mother May I. In Anni's game, we have been instructed to first take 30 giant steps forward and then from that stop take 15 baby steps backward. So Anni, "Mother may I take 30 giant steps followed by 15 baby steps?"
Thirty giant steps took me outside to this view of my back steps.

Fifteen baby steps provided this view of my neighbor's yard, which I love. This quiet mild-mannered lady has made a garden of delightful lawn ornaments and whimsical sculptures.

Visit Anni to see how the other participants played this Fun Monday Mother May I game.


Margaret said...

Fun activity, and it looks very fallish out there. As a resident of the Evergreen State, I've never seen that many leaves in one place!

Anonymous said...

The leaves on the stairs are very pretty. Nature sure has her way, doesn't she? We started moving our leaves toward the road yesterday, but this morning she had put them all back where she wanted them. Guess she has a mind of her own!

Anonymous said...

I ended up outside too! The leaves look great, but I'm glad I don't have to clean them up

MaR said...

I went outside too, it was a lovely Sunday morning. Loved your pictures with all the leaves (because I don't have to do a thing about them, lol!!)
Happy Monday, I played too.

Hootin Anni said...

I can see why her yard is looks quiet and very peaceful! And ohhhhhhh, the steps?-------wow, love the autumn leaves!!! [we don't get much of that in our area of the States!!]

Beccy said...

Your yard looks much like mine...leaves, leaves and more leaves!

Debs said...

Beautiful Leaves. Love your post. :D

Melli said...

Verrrrry cool! My yard looks pretty much the same! (as far as the leaves) Although - hubby did mulch the ones in back yesterday. But the view out my front window is still very leaf filled!!! I bet your neighbors little garden is really cute when it's all spring and flowery!

Anonymous said...

Very nice. I like the ornaments and sculptures. I often think I would like to have more, but then reality sets in and I realize I end up too busy to put them away. This year was better. Our leaves are older and not as plentiful on the steps anymore.

ChrisB said...

I can see someone is going to have a lot of leaves to clear~ the plus side is that they make good compost!
Your neighbour has created a very pretty yard.

Beckie said...

We could make a giant pile of leaves...and take them away. I could hurt myself if I jumped in them. :)

Have a great Monday!

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, your steps are a lovely portrait of FALL! It almost looks like you strategically placed them so they'd be evenly distributed ;). Ha!

It looks like your neighbor has a lot of imagination and a green thumb for creativity :).

Anonymous said...

Obviously it's fall, but it seems that, like here, the leaves have remained green. I still love fall though, even with only a little red here and there.

I really miss New England falls.

Jo Beaufoix said...

I love your photos. The wooden steps are just gorgeous and your neighbours yard is fab.

Sandy said...

Beautiful leaves and a whimsical neighbor! How lucky can you get?

Anonymous said...

Yay. You have a "real" fall picture. I love the steps with the leaves. And, your neighbor seems fun.

Anonymous said...

Both pictures are beautiful autumn scenes. I love the crisp air this time of year

Tiggerlane said...

That photo of the leaves on your steps is soooo pretty. I like the mixture of green and yellow.

the planet of janet said...

i love the photo of your steps. very cool. and the perfect picture of fall.

i also ended up outside.

Anonymous said...

Leaves leaves everywhere!

Is the fire hydrant real or part of her sculptures?

Sauntering Soul said...

I love whimsical people!

I ended up smack dab in the middle of my street after my 30 steps.

Unknown said...

I bet your feet are dragging leaves in too. Nice views. :)

laurie said...

look at all the beautiful leaves!

alisonwonderland said...

i love that your first 30 steps took you to your steps! :)

Robin M said...

How loverly. Enjoy the nature.

Robin of mytwoblessings

daddy d said...

Leaves mean it is the fall season. They mark the change into near winter. But then can spring be for behind?

captain corky said...

Careful on those back steps. They look a little slippery.

Being a newer parent I'm slightly over protective now. Just slightly though. ;)

Anonymous said...

Mother May I...come play in your leaves?
Hey, just a reminder about the House Warming Party for JulieBug and Tig at my place this Friday.
Be sure to invite all your readers because I'll be adding to the guest list all week.

Pamela said...

the wind blew very hard this weekend and it looks like the majority of them are down. I love to watch them - but raking is tedious.

love the steps with them.

karisma said...

Ohh. I love the pictures. The leaves look gorgeous. My kids would have a ball throwing them around.