1. Obviously, is a lamp. This is a relatively inexpensive lamp from Montgomery Ward's, which is out of business. This lamp used to turn on and off to the touch. That mechanism broke so Daddy D rewired the lamp to turn on and off with a traditional switch.
2. is a picture of our son, Luke, at an amusement park with Wile E. Coyote. I like the photograph, and Wile E. Coyote is a great companion for our cartoonist son.
3. is a lovely music globe that plays "You Are My Sunshine," a song that I sang to our babies. (Doesn't everyone?)
4. is a topical application that I use to alleviate those aches and pains of old age.
5. are lotions and creams to moisturize and soften the old drying skin.
6. Tissues
7. Reading material. This particular selection is the current book of study in our adult Sunday school class. The First Christmas by Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan.
8. Television remote
9. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff for Teachers was a gift from a teacher's retreat. I do not look at the book often, but the little tome is treasure trove of heartwarming, encouraging thoughts.
10. My glasses are the most important item on my nightstand. During the day, I always wear my glasses. If I get up during the night, I want to be able to see.
Want to look into other people's bedrooms? Oops, I mean...if you would like to see what other people keep on their nightstands, visit AOJ for the list of participants.
Want to look into other people's bedrooms? Oops, I mean...if you would like to see what other people keep on their nightstands, visit AOJ for the list of participants.
Aren't you the clever one to label everything?
Love the "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff for Teachers."
What a nice, inviting bedside table...makes we want to crawl in bed with a good book!!
Very neat and tidy and all numbered too!!
I always have a couple of books on my nightstand too. When I have a cold, there are tissues there as well. Otherwise, it's pretty dull. Yours is much more interesting.
Isn't it funny today to look at all the side tables in Blogville ? I enjoy it really, lol (don't say that I am curious, I am only interested !)
So who was nice enough to give you the musical snow globe, MJD? That's a nice memento to see every day. Like the size of your table. Looks like it could be used for other purposes as well.
How organized you are! I wear contacts so I keep an old pair of glasses that I can still see with (barely)at hand for those late night excursions.
I LOVE how you did it! I was trying to figure out how to explain what was where but I didn't come up with that great idea! We have similar items on our tables. :)
It's sad.....I am beginning to have bedside table envy.
Lol @ Celeste! Me too!
Your table just looks so neat and tidy and warm and inviting!!
Hubby won't part with the remote control...he has it on HIS nightstand in our home. LOL
Nice looking table! Very neat and tidy.
Happy Fun Monday. I hope you can find time to drop by for a visit today.
man, you are neat as a pin! i have similar stuff--books, tissues, lotions--yet somehow my table looks like it was ransacked by a burglar in a hurry.
love the music globe.
and i love that you rewired the lamp instead of just buying a new one.
Yours puts mine to shame - it's so neat and clean! Mine gets everyone's stuff dumped on it (it's right by the door, so it's handy) and it shows. I finally got my post up.
BTW - WHen I finish the bathroom, I have two more to do. It never ends.
Television remote!!!? Neat numbering system you put in there!
Look at how clever you are numbering your items like that. I also really love your Fun Monday logo thingee. Beautiful!
I agree with everyone else...you ARE neat and tidy!
Y'all realize I will be out garage saling and used furniture shopping as soon as the paycheck arrives, don't you?
Great post and of course I sang "you are my sunshine" to my kiddoes and the grandkids, too.
This a a very neat post just like you night stand. I love the way you've done the numbering.
You have such an organized brain.
Monkey Wards was my very first credit card. My best friend's grandma had one of the very first ones issued. I have really fond memories of that store. (although to be perfectly honest, it wasn't realy my kind of store so I didn't really shop there in my late teens)
I remember singing that song when mine was wee...and I remember Montgomery Ward's as a kiddo. Great idea to number the items!
all the essentials but nice and tidy!
Ooh, I like the way that you numbered everything - very organized.
It is good to have the need supplies right there where they are needed.
Ok this is the way to do it, love how everything is numbered like that! Looks so cozy too and even the glimpse of curtains looks like they have a nice pattern on them :o)
I haven't thought about Wards in years. My father used to be a VP for them in Chicago. Back in the 80's. They are the company thatfirst transferred us to Hong Kong when I was a teenager.
My glasses are one of the most important things on my nightstand as well, it's just too bad they aren't ever on there when I need them!
Wow, I've got to learn more Photoshop. Putting numbers on items is very impressive. Thanks for visiting my blog.
If your room matches your cozy table then I want your room.
love how you labeled everything. it's in keeping with how neat and tidy everything is, too!
I like your bedside table. It looks like it is a big one. I enjoyed reading about it.
Thank you for stopping by to visit me today and leaving a comment. I hope you will visit often.
Thanks for the numbers. It looks like the need for dry skin cream is universal.
Kathy b
ooo I like how you did that with the numbers! Your son is a cartoonist? How cool that you have his picture with a cartoon character! Fun post!
I love how you numbered everything! I remember Montgomery Wards! Wow, they've been gone for a while now huh?
I am so delighted to have found your blog. I love your writing! I am looking forward to reading more.
all the best-
hello! i love your numbers!
Now tell me, did you dust just for this picture?
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