This picture of the Dandelion and the green Ground Ivy leaves was taken on January 12, 2005. We had several inches of snow the next day.

I believe the flower in the following picture was some species of Aster that graced an old sandbox in our backyard this past autumn.
This specimen might be a remnant of a Motherwort plant, Leonurus cardiaca.
To join this winter festivity or simply view other winter blossoms, visit Wildflower Morning; she has a convenient list of participants.
Thanks for the kind words on my blog tonight. I enjoyed popping over and taking a look at your blog.
Looks like you are cold and snowy in your part of the world....we had snow this morning but it melted by mid-morning. It is still cold but the sun was out and we enjoyed lots of birdwatching today.
I am glad to get to know new blogs through the Wildflowers in Winter blog a thon.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom
Two clicks in one visit! Now your photos really are wildflowers in winter! Great photo in the snow.
Kathy b
Cool picture. Its always cool to see life pushing through obstacles to grow.
Those dandelions are hardy fellows.
My bushes started sprouting buds after a couple of random 60 degree days. Poor bushes. They were so confused.
Thanks for visiting my site. I do have a mini rock garden in front of the house. Low growing sedum are perfect for such a garden. :-)
Nice to meet you.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I have enjoyed looking around yours too! My Hubby is also a junior high teacher, but he teaches special ed. I'll be back!
You've been tagged. Go visit my blog if you want to play along. Thanks!
I had plans to go out on Sunday and take photos and we had an ice storm that caused multi-car accidents. Needless to say - I stayed home
I got some pictures today tho.
So that is an aster in winter. We had a little plant with purple flowers that looked something like that, too.
I don't know how I missed this post last week! Your winter shots are beautiful.
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