I love the pin because these women are working to improve the lives of the people in Guatamala. Furthermore, I like the pin because it does remind me of my sisters. Unlike the women in the pin, who appear to be triplets, my sisters and I look different than each other, but there are familial similarities. The three of us are tall, and growing up we all had dark brown hair.

In the above picture, I must have been about 18 months. If the picture of my sisters is from the same time period, Margaret would be 9 and Betsy 5.

The picture of the Thompson girls including our mother Laura in Christmas robes was taken in December of 1952. Can you believe that anyone would actually choose the dark green wallpaper?
This picture from 1957 shows the three of us in front of our first family car. Our family did not own a car until the year that Margaret turned 16.
In this picture from 1970 Margaret is on the left. Betsy is in the middle. I am the pregnant lady on the right with the wrinkled collar.
In this picture from the early 80's, I am on the left. Margaret is the middle, and Betsy is on the right. Notice that I am no longer the littlest sister.
In fact, I tease my sisters by telling them that I am the tallest. On the rare occasion when the three of us are together, I encourage us to pose for a picture to prove once again that I am the tallest. The following pictures in 2005 and 2006 are two such pictures. If I am not the tallest at least, I have the whitest hair.

Margaret, Betsy, and Molly in 2005

Molly, Margaret, and Betsy in 2006
No, I'd say you are definitely the tallest. There's about the same age gap between me and my two brothers, me being the youngest. Oh, and we didn't get our first car until my middle brother was 16.
What a great trip through time to see how you grew! I win the whitest hair, hands down, wherever I go! Nice to have company!
I love taking a walk through your photo album. I never had a sister, but have a couple of friends that I consider like sisters. Your beautiful gray hair makes me wonder when I should stop dyeing mine.
I love the idea of the pin. Oddly enough I was 16 when we had our first car! My parents did have a van before this (for our shop)~if my brother and I ever went in it we had to sit in the back with no seats~not comfortable!
Lovely photos of you and your sisters.
What an awesome post! I love the pin, the story behind it, and the timeline of pictures.
How lucky to grow up with two sisters. My sister is 14 years younger than me. I moved out of home when she was still just a baby! And she got a car way before me, I still do not drive.
The three sisters have moved ahead with their lives. It has been good to have been a part of that movement over all those years.
What a wonderful "stroll" you took us on with these photos. Great that you have them.
I loved seeing all the photos! What a fun trip down memory lane. You're so lucky to have not one but two sisters. :) I was the lonely only. :(
I'm the youngest of 3 boys! I was the last try at "lets have a girl!"
I'm very close with middle brother and don't speak to oldest brother...
I loved seeing the progression of you three over the years. I can't wait to see my siblings and I compare to how we look ten years from now!
What a wonderful tribute to your whole family. There really is a strong family resemblance. I, too, like the gray/white hair, I thing it means confidence.
What a nice post. Lovely to see all the photos over the years.
You are making me long for siblings...
Will I get in trouble if I say that in all three photos, you're the cutest? (Don't tell them!)
three sisters and me = four!
But have since lost one to leukemia.
We 3 who remain live miles apart so don't get together often. I think we will be together next weekend.
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