This guy's walking down a street when he falls in a hole. The walls are so steep, he can't get out. A doctor passes by, and the guy shouts up, "Hey you, can you help me out?" The doctor writes a prescription, throws it down in the hole and moves on. Then a priest comes along, and the guy shouts up"Father, I'm down in this hole, can you help me out?" The priest writes
out a prayer, throws it down in the hole and moves on. Then a friend walks by."HeyJoe, it's me, can you help me out?" And the friend jumps in the hole.Our guy says, "Are you stupid? Now we're both down here." The friend says,"Yeah, but I've been down here before, and I know the way out.
I realize that professional help is sometimes needed, but many times all we need is a little help from our friends. I try to be this kind of friend.
Another quote I try to follow is from Matthew 5:44. Jesus said, "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." I find this commandment tremendously difficult to follow. Still, if we all worked towards this goal, the world would be a much better place.
A final inspirational quote is new to me today. Our pastor showed a clip to the movie, I Am Legend, to introduce his sermon titled, "Light up the Darkness." The clip included this quote that the Will Smith character, Dr. Neville, attributed to Bob Marley, the famous Reggae singer, "The people, who were trying to make this world worse... are not taking a day off. How can I? Light up the darkness." I like the thought of trying to light up the darkness each and every day.Look for the list other inspirational quoters at Robin's place.
Oh, yeah...kill 'em with kindness. That gets 'em every time. Love the stories. The last one reminds me..."if everyone lit just one little candle, what a bright world this would be."
Yours are all excellent. I love the thoughts provoked by the last quote. We should all indeed "light up the darkness."
Lighting up the darkness is a super idea. That little light we all have can shine in many different ways. The whole of life would be better off for it.
I love your quotes and stories. They are all very much what our world needs.
In response to your comment at my blog, I think "bark, bark, bark" means 'just keep on keepin' on, BUT FASTER!!!!' :D
we watched "into the wild" last night. One of the scenes was with an elderly man who was talking about something very similar. Suddenly a sun bean shot from the clouds and enveloped the two men. It was very spine tingling.
ps. I can't think of anything more difficult than praying for your enemies.
Inspirational indeed! I was a positive force today at a gymnastics meet and that felt good.
I can think of no better way to be a friend than to help one out of a hole whether it's an accident or of their own making. Luckily, I have a few friends like that.
Light up the darkness, yes, that IS what I endeavour to do every day of my life!
No time like the NOW to make a change, make a difference.
The rest of that Bible passage says..."for in so doing you will reap burning coals upon their head."
No only should we love and pray for our enemies, but we should also actively do good to them and meet their needs when we are aware of them.
You are soooo very right that this is difficult.
Thank you for reminding me that it is my responsibility to be active in my love for those around me who make life difficult.
Fantastic quotes!!!
I liked the movie I am Legend. "Light up the darkness." Love it!!
I have one to share with you,
" One good teacher outweighs a ton of books." ~ Chinese Proverb
May Your Light continue to SHINE
Light up the darkness is a great quote. And I love the story at the top. Friendship can get you through so much.
I've been struggling lately with adopting this attitude. (Matt. 5:44) Yea, it's hard. And really good friends are few and far between, but when you find one, keep them!
Some deep and powerful words to live by!
That's funny....I thought of the same chinese proverb as katybug wrote above.
You've shared some really good ones today.
Love the story of the friend jumping in...so true!
Oh, it's so hard to be kind to the idiots out there, but I guess it's good to at least have it in your mind to TRY!
Being a good friend and having good friends is so important to our general wellbeing.
Your Matthew quote is something I know I loose sight of at times but I do try.
Molly, you DO strike me at that kind of friend...with your words alone, you ALWAYS build others up.
You've reminded me about one of my favorite things to like about Jesus--he never said what was expected, he never took the easy way out. He was the original "radical" and modeled perfectly by example.
My son loves "I Am Legend"; he sees the sacrifice Dr. Neville made, so I'm thankful at his young age to "get" part of the message of the movie.
Inspiration comes in the most unlikely of places sometimes :).
Thanks for joining in this week!
I'm a huge Bob Marley fan so I love the last quote, but the first 'story' is so good too. Great job on the FM assignment!
this little light of mine, i'm gonna let it shine, this little light of mine, i'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!
Great post. Good friend are really important.
love that story..so true.
Beautiful quotes. I remember when you posted the West Wing piece the first time. It is worthy of repeating!
Thank you-
I like that first one a lot!!! Always helps to have a friend who's been there/done that!
I love that first story. I might even steal it and send it to a friend or two - changing the last line to a thanks to them for being that friend for me of late.
Hmmm I can't say that I love my enemies, I can say that I do not have very many of them. They have to be pretty darned rotten for me not to like them and in that case I am more likely to feel sorry for them than wish them any ill will. After all they must be pretty sad to feel the need to be horrible hey?
I love that! To jump in the hole too. I've needed that before and I try to return it. :)
FANTASTIC quotes. I really loved these. I saw I Am Legend and I remember that scene, and remember thinking "he has a point there".
Great choices!
Cool Fun Monday. The story was great! I haven't watched I am Legend, but that makes me curious!
Don't we all know people who leave us feeling better for having met them? Lighting up our darkness.
I too, like the thought of trying to light up the darkness each and every day. But its not always easy. Thats the challenge I guess.
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