At these Saturday afternoon movies, I met my first celebrity hero. I am guessing that most or all of the Fun Monday participants will not recognize the object of my interest. In the 1950's, the movie-going population seemed to be infatuated with Westerns, movies featuring cowboys and occasional cowgirl. My hero was not one of the better known leads like Gene Autry or Roy Rogers. My silver screen love was the less-recognized Lash LaRue.

In these B-westerns, Lash would do wondrous acts with his whip. He would use the whip to snap the six-gun out of the hand of the villainous opponent. I remember that Lash would even use his whip skills to catch the girl. In my mind even today, I can see Lash throw out the whip wrapping the tail ever so skillfully around some feisty heroine to pull her closer. Of course, as happened in all movies of that time, eventually the heroine succumbed to the advances and rewarded my Lash with a kiss.
The only recognition of Lash as the object of my affection was in my imagination. In my innocence even in my fantasy, I only remember Lash capturing me with his mighty whip. Well, that is my story, and I am sticking to it. If you would like to read about other celebrity crushes, visit Jo Beaufoix.
Lash LaRue - Well he is a new one on me. Had to google him. I need to see this whip wrapping. From personnal experance "You'll Put Your Eye Out" But I never got the laso down either.
Thanks for sharing
I know the name, not the face. And I have to say, if my given name was "Alfred", I, too, might opt for something a bit more intriguing like "Lash". It is interesting to hear how he overcame obstacles to pursue his dream career :).
And you? Being wiled with a whip? Oooo la la...go for it, Molly!
"Lash" as a name goes with the whip quite well! I had forgotten about Lash LaRue... I worked for a while editing movies at an independent tv station in Oklahoma and saw some of Lash then. And Gene Autry. And Roy Rogers. We had a thing for westerns, I guess!
Oh I got a big kick out of your F M!!! Only you and I [probably] really can understand the fascination with dear ol' Lash!!! Love your entry!!!
Thanks for the visit today.
Lash LaRue is a new name to me but it was always very romantic when the cowboy got the girl!
That whip might come in handy!!
Great job!
Heard of him from the IT Guy...and it's the first time I've seen his face. Oh the joy ot remembering!
I love this week's Fun Monday, it's so much fun reading all of the stories, yours is great too! Thx for visiting mine by the way!
I remember my dad telling us about him! My daddy always loved westerns!
My daughter is a fan of westerns, and she is 4 years old! Very interesting post.
You're right - the name isn't familiar to me but I love your story anyway !!
Oooo- he is handsome. I've never gotten into westerns, so I don't know who he is.
Our Happy Happenings
great story Molly, I did not recognize the name, but I do remember those movies!!
Love your post, and I've used the line, "that is my story, and I am sticking to it.", many times.
He does have a resemblance to Humphrey Bogart. Very handsome.
Hee hee, he sounds fab. I think I may have seen him as a kid. I think he looks a little like Jimmy Stewart in that photo too. Brill post. Thanks for playing and have a great day. :D
He is very handsome. I always wondered who taught Harrison Ford to use his whip. There is something enthralling about the crack of a whip!!
I seem to remember hearing that name before but I didn't know any of the stuff you told. :)
I too spent many happy Saturday and Sunday afternoons in movie theaters. I went more for out and out romances like Back Street--although I doubt that my mother would have approved of some I saw. It was okay because I didn't understand much of what I saw. . .
Lash LaRue! That's quite a whip! I can picture him using it to pull some fair maiden closer. Nice remembering, Molly.
Hi MJD, I was not a fan of Westerns.. thanks for your visit to my place today.I also loved Sal Mineo in the movie with James Dean..
I always intended to be Mrs. George Harrison when I was young, but it just didn't work out.
I think I lost my first comment.. darn.
Well...not often someone is penalized for looking like a star.
Maybe he was "the poor womans Bogart." ha ha.
Whips, huh. I'm seeing you in a new light Molly! hee hee
I think that Alyssa Milano was my first crush. I have dug on her since the mid 80s when she first showed up on Who's The Boss?
I'd never heard of Lash LaRue. I'm going home this week to spend some time with mom, I'll ask her. I bet she'll know him. She told me it was a big treat to spend 25 cents to go to the movie downtown, get a bag of popcorn and watch the westerns. I can't even begin to imagine....
I remember that fancy whippery! But I watched on Sunday afternoon black and white TV.
Maybe it planted some seed in my subconscious that made me end up with nine WHIPpets!
all the best-
Going to the movie every Saturday must have been a fun family thing.
Nice tradition.
What a fantastic story!! I have to say thought that "capturing me with his mighty whip" sounds a tad kinky.
Probably not far off from my girlish fantasy with Indian Jones (Harrison Ford...yum)
A very fun post indeed! My first celebrity crush was probably Jacquelyn Smith. I still love her! ;)
Lash LaRue is a great name.
I miss being part of these Fun Mondays. I need to get myself back in the game.Hope you are well, miss you, deb
I have never heard of Lash, but I think that I am going to google him.
I think that my first was Jack Wild, from Oliver and PuffinStuff.
He made my little heart go pitter pat.
so you were into whips, but no chains. do i understand that correctly...?
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