2. This is a mother-of-pearl Jerusalem cross. This cross is also called The Crusader's Cross and appeared on the coat-of-arms the Templar Godfrey of Bouillon, Duke of Lower-Lorraine. There are a variety of interpretations of the Jerusalem cross. One interpretation is that the four smaller crosses represent the four corners of the Earth, and the cross itself represents the spreading of Christianity throughout the world. Another common explanation of the cross meaning is that the larger center cross represents Jesus, and the smaller crosses represent Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
3. This enameled cross with a depiction of the fish and loaves of bread is perhaps my favorite as the cross is symbolic of Jesus's life and ministry rather than simply a reminder of the death of Jesus.
4. Like the others listed this cross is a gift from my parents. I think that the cross is ivory made in a time when using ivory was not illegal.
5 and 6. These silver crosses were graduation gifts from the church that I attended as a child. The larger cross is a Trefoil cross although I think that my church called this a Trinity cross. As a member of the Junior Choir, I wore a this cross on a red ribbon as part of our choir garb. The smaller cross is a Celtic Cross. This sometimes is called the Anglican or Episcopal cross.
7. The silver crosses around the number seven were gifts from my husband, Daddy D.
8. The M.A. Hadley pottery cross is gift from my friend, Gawilli of Back in the Day.
I also have a collection of mice.
Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
And I am going to have to find a copy of the Molly Moo... we can my Molly, "Molly Moo Moo". In fact if you ask her her name she says "moo moo".
Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
And I am going to have to find a copy of the Molly Moo... we can my Molly, "Molly Moo Moo". In fact if you ask her her name she says "moo moo".
You have very interesting and eclectic collections. I have a lot of glassware, tons of books, and a bunch of beer mugs and glasses--I feel shallow!
Very nice collections. I never thought to add my books, but then it would take all day to photograph them. I have five book cases in just one room!
That large silver cross is different!
So lovely collections you have there...love your cross collection, especially, they're from people special to you...
Very nice collections. They show alot about one topic and they are focused one theme. I like the idea of a focued collection. There are time when I just have a lot of stuff that is not connected.
I had a collection of mice but the traps worked and...
OK sorry, I couldn't resist.
I like your cross collection.
And you asked if my home is big... Not big enough and it could seem much larger if I would liquidate some of my collections!!
Happy Monday to you.
I love the collection of crosses, and the story behind each. The collection of mice? Well, I have my grandmother's phobia of the critters.
Love the mice - I had one from England once that my grandmother sent. Unfortunately, my cat thought it was a real mouse (like real mice wear dresses) and "killed" it. Now I just have a pair of ceramic mice on my kitchen window sill.
One of those mice? Is totally a 1950's hagen renaker. see my post on good mom bad mom for details.
Your collections are great. I love all the different crosses. Those are some tiny mice you have :)
I love the cross collection! those are really cool
Love all your collections. Your crosses are quite lovely.
Wonderful collections. I love the crosses and Molly books. Are any of the mice named Molly, too?
Enjoyed how each of the crosses have meaning for you. The mice are cute little item but they could soon take over the house, I like the miss matching of them.
Molly Books - so it's just has to have Molly in the name or as the Hero?
Wow! Thanks for the descriptions of your crosses. That was thoughtful of you. The mice are cute little rodents and I am sure you are glad that they are a collection.
Your collections of crosses are so lovely. Did I read about your Molly books before or am I imagining that!
The mice are rather cute.
Rare collections --
I don't know which intrigues me more...
beautiful collections of crucifixes...I love old books and I have never heard of those...your mice are adorable..thanks for sharing.
The crosses are really nice!! I like mice when they are not being chased around my house by our kitties...
What a very unusual collection of crosses--like that you started the collection when you were so young. Did you, by chance get the Hadley Pottery cross in Louisville--or should say, did your frind get it here?
I fear I also have a collection of mice--in the basement but try not to think about them so long as they don't come upstairs!
I have never met a person who collected crosses. But I think your mice collection would please very much my cats ! lol !
Very interesting stuff!
I have a lot of Winniw the Pooh stuff, I guess that is a collection
You do have a very lovely collection of crosses.
That is also a very interesting collection of books.
If I were to collect something with my name in it, it would be either the movie Christy or the movie about the car Christine. I'd take the movie about Christy.
And I simply think your collection of mice is adorable.
happy fun monday!
The Molly books look fun to collect! My mother is a Mollie and that's given me an idea for her birthday!
Oh these are delightful collections! (And this is an inane comment, sorry.)
What a beautiful collection of crosses you have. And your mice are so cute! Just make sure you don't start a collection of cats ;)
Our Happy Happenings
I love the crosses... I am always on the lookout for them because my mother in law collects them too!
nice to hear the stories behind them.
I really enjoyed hearing all the stories behind the crosses. I only wish you'd done the same for the mice. Hint hint. ;)
Lovely collections and a great post! Sorry to have been out of touch. Are you wrapping up school there?
I had a tiny little cross collection when I was younger. :) YOu have some lovely ones. I love the one on the far left form Daddy D. :)
Sweet mice and I treasure older books too.
You have awesome collections!
My collections are of stamps, post cards, a whole set of my favourite author's books and ..I guess I collect kids too...four of them LOL.
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