I am very happy the Grace has selected this particular topic for this Fun Monday. I have been thinking about writing about my adventures in dieting for a few weeks. Like many dieters, I have become somewhat of a zealot in promoting the diet that works for me. On the other hand, I am somewhat self-conscious about discussing weight. Most of my life, I have been fortunate to be slim. Even as I aged and added some pounds, my height of 5'7" hid some of the extra pounds that I had gained over the past seven or so years. However, I developed a double chin and a tummy paunch, which is definitely not desirable.
Yet, no longer being svelte did not induce me to lose weight. My weight loss was almost accidental, and I lost about 25 pounds in about six months. The plan that we followed is The G.I. Diet developed by Rick Gallop. Here is how this came about. In June2008, my husband and I were at a party, and Daddy D mentioned that he felt tired much of the time. A friend suggested that he might have more energy by losing a few pounds by trying the G.I. Diet. Daddy D like me is tall (he is actually a lot taller at 6'3".) We, tall people, tend to hide our weight gains over our long frames.
So off to the bookstore, we went to purchase both The G.I. Diet and The G.I. Diet Express by Rick Gallop . The Glycemic Index or G.I. Diet by Gallop is based on the premise that all foods are traffic-light color-coded. Green light foods are acceptable foods for the diet and include most fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, fish packed in water, lean meats, whole wheat pastas, almonds, oatmeal, skim milk, fat-free cheese, fat free yogurt to name a few of the main choices.
The plan essentially consists of eating three meals including only the foods from the extensive green light list. Additionally to stave off hunger, dieters are encouraged to eat snacks between meals, again choosing foods from the green light list. Frequently, our snacks consist of plain yogurt with fresh fruit or flavored fat-free yogurt. Another snack time favorite is almonds.
I highly recommend the G.I. Diet. My husband has lost almost 20 pounds, and I lost 25 pounds because I followed his diet. Even though I did have a few pounds to lose and I am very happy with the results, I was following this diet partly for convenience. I probably have reached the yellow light phase of the diet, which is the maintenance phase. In this phase, a few more foods such as bananas, corn, red wine, and unsweetened fruit juices are permitted in addition to the green light foods. Red light foods such as bacon, peanut butter, and Jello should always be avoided. As my title suggests, this is not really a diet as such but a change in lifestyle with a "healthy balanced eating plan to guide you the rest of your life." (Gallop)
In addition to actually losing weight, there are some other positive aspects of the G.I. Diet. The green light foods or foods with a low glycemic index break down slowly leaving the dieter feeling fuller longer. Furthermore, there is no calorie counting, measuring, or quotas.
For a different aspect of this dieting adventure, check out our team blog, Mama Said, Papa Said .
Hooray! Thank you so much for sharing your success. You look wonderful!
Everyone of my friends and family that have been long term successful have made changes not to lose weight, but to improve for a lifetime.
That G.I diet does work. It has real biology behind it. It has the in-between meals eating that really keeps the total volume of Calories down without feeling the need to eat more food. It is a quality life style diet.
Congratulations on your success, you look great. I have heard of this diet, its been around for quite a while now.
Thanks for sharing! I'll look into it.
I've been having success the last few months by avoiding most carbs, and eating mostly fish, white meat, eggs, and veggies. I feel so much better, and am easily losing weight. Maybe I'll do a Fun Monday post if I get a chance on Monday.
Woo, woo, you look great. Love the photo. Congrats on finding a diet that worked so beautifully for you.
Jello is a red-light food? I wonder why? Is that just the sugar version or sugar-free too?
Sounds like that diet worked wonders for you guys. I think that if you feel comfortable and full of energy, you're about where you need to be. I'm full of energy, but I'm not comfortable in my body yet. Working on it.
Thanks for this heads up, Molly. A big plus with this eating program, I would think, is that you're not always thinking about food. You just know what foods are best for you and the ones to stay away from.
You remind me of my favorite cousin--tall, stayed essentially the same weight, follows an eating plan that high on results, low on drama!
Sounds like an interesting diet, I'm lucky too that I'm tall so when I tell people some days how much I really could lose they don't believe me. But you look fabulous in that photo above, thanks for sharing.
Wendy (gcgal)
My Fun Monday isn't much, but I posted it...come on over and say howdy if you can. Have a great day.
LOVE your photo, Molly!!!!!! You look mahhhhvelous.
That is awesome. I am going to buy myself that book this very week! We all need more energy right?
This looks like it might be the life style change that I need. I do recall a friend of mine lending me a book based on this method. I think it would be worth getting the book. Of the 2 books you mention which do you most recommend (express!)?
You're going to sell alot of books for Mr. Gallop.
Who wouldn't want to look as good as you?
I agree with Min. (Excuse me while I dab the peanut butter off my mouth.)
Being tall sometimes masks the extra pounds (at least for me, most of the time) but feeling GOOD is the key. I need to check this one out - it sounds somewhat familiar to South Beach which is what I have tried. You look great.
I have to watch the GI of foods because I have a serious hypoglycemic problem. It sure helps stable blood sugar! Great post...and you look great!
I am not sure Molly - it sounds complicated. But it looks like it worked for you - you look awesome!! Happy Fun Monday!
You look wonderful! It would be hard for me to give up peanut butter.
I agree, you look great! I have a GI book, but to be honest I've never opened it. I do understand the basic principles of GI diets though. I'll have to pull it out and read through!
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