Well, I have a lot to confess so find a comfortable seat. First, I rather delight in being a little eccentric. One of my favorite greeting cards, proclaimed on the front that I was like apple pie; the inside punchline noted that I was a little flaky on the outside but sweet on the inside. Another favorite memory is after a friend returned from the Big Easy with presents. He commented that he was looking for a gift for someone who is a nice person but a little weird. The gift was these whimsical crawdad earrings.
Another eccentricity is that I am a transvestite in that I wear clothes designed for the opposite sex. There are two reasons for this predilection. I do not like to shop, and I am frugal. (Of course, you might think frugality and disdain for shopping to be quirky as well.) My transvestism developed when my sons were teens and about my size. I have inherited numerous shirts, jeans, and even my oldest son's eighth grade deck shoes. At this time, my frugal self discovered that I could wear some of their clothes. In this picture, I am wearing my son's suit in a parody of the The Blues Brothers with Daddy D in our Sunday school class.

Additionally, I am directionally challenged. If I manage to get from point A to point B, I have a very difficult time retracing my steps. My directional dyslexia is so severe that I will print out Map Quest directions to places that I have visited a number of times and for locations a few miles from home. Oh yes, hopefully I will not get lost on my trip and need gas as I do not pump gas. My kind husband does this for me.
This may be enough to reveal about oneself's in a day. To learn about other visit the lovely Lisa, for this Quirky Fun Monday list of participants. I am looking forward to learning more about others. Aren't you?
I'm not so sure that makes a transvestite...does it? Oh oh...in that case, I'm a 'shut in' tranzy too then. I love underwear and men's shirts...they're baggy and comfy.
My FM is posted...come on over!!
I would much rather wear men's clothes too...but they just don't fit me right and Himself won't let me wear his shirts!
You may be related to my youngest daughter, she is also directionally challenged. Now that she's pushing 40, we still get call - This is where I am, this is where I want to go, how do I get there. Not as much any more, but it is nice that she knows where to call for help.
Forgot to add, You and Daddy D make great Blues Bros.
Love those mudbug earrings!
I am somewhat directionally challenged myself. And even more so distance challenged. My dad used to ask me how many feet something was in size or how many feet something was away just so he could heehaw at my answer. Of course, he was like a living measuring tape and rarely missed with his estimates. Oh, goodness...writing that just made me miss him so bad it hurts.
I am directional dyslexic myself.
And I thought my Sunday school class was a fun group of folks. You have us beat. I agree, there's something very comfortable about a man's shirt.
OMG...I had no idea you were a tranny!! But you look good in a suit, so it's cool.
I am directionally challenged, too...and get anxious about it.
Lookin' good in the suit; hey I LOVE those earrings.
My mom is directinally challenged. she'll turn the wrong way coming out of a McDonald's (and did when we were kids!) I'm okay, but can't do North, south, East and West. I must have a left or right in my directions!
I hate to shop too--but once I'm there am not very frugal if I find something I like. (or fits) I am directionally challenged too, especially on reversing the directions. That's why my husband does most of the driving when we go on trips.
You know what the nice thing about men's clothes are? They are the same size no matter brand. Why can't women's be like that???
Hey if you can do, which it looks like you can, then do it! lol
Hee hee, you look fab in that suit. And I am also directionally challenged. :D
I prefer men's clothes too. :) I never thought of it as that though. :) They have the colors I like instead of pink and purple and frilly girlie stuff. :)
Thanx for playing and your kind words. XO!
Your hubby does the gas for you? Aww. That's love. And, I wish I were cheap ;)
I was able to wear my hubbies jeans after each of the boys were born.
and just the other day, I tried on my 8 yos shoes and they fit! and I have BIG feet!
Clothing for males are less expensive and I have over the years bought plenty of children clothes when I was smaller in size. I will be your directional guide. I am pretty good at navigating.
LOL! You sound pretty normal to me! I have been known to be a bit flaky myself! I say it adds to my charm!
Im not much into wearing boys clothes but must say the suits look fantastic! Very Cool! Sunday School looks like lots of fun at your place!
Well I think it makes perfect sense to wear your sons' comfy clothes. At home I like to wear things inside out so the seams won't scratch me.
You always seem like a woman who's very comfortable in her own skin, Molly. And that's not the least bit quirky.
Oh you guys are so cute! You made me feel better about the gas pumping thing. I only started doing that 5 yrs ago. I was afraid.I do not like shopping much. Now and then I find a great item at goodwill. I hate most new styles. I am stuck in the 60's.
I have been known to steal my sons shoes when he was in middle school and we had the same size foot for about 10 minutes. Guess that makes me a partial tranny??
Have a great week!
great list Molly..you are too funny!!
I love your fashion sense! I personally have none and have to wait a few years before I can inherit ZBoy's clothes (sob).
So funny and very endearing.
I am directionally challenged too and you do look good in those clothes
Oh, I love the crawdad earrings. At 4-H camp, we would form 2 lines in a shallow river, one upstream, one downstream. We'd kick the rocks over, so the crawdads would float down to the 2nd line, who held nets. They'd catch them, then we'd fry them later that night. I'm not quite sure why I went in to all this over a pair of earrings, but oh well. It's Monday night, I'm tired and you brought back some good memories. Happy Fun Monday!
Can you say GPS that will put an end to that directional problem. You look as if your have fun as one of the Blues Brothers, and FUN is good.
Thanks for Sharing and your up to 25 so maga point to you also
Your Map Quest directions get us to and from distance places like Indian River Resort. Good Job. From A to B and back to A from B. It is a team effort.
daddy d is so nice to pump your gas! That sounds kinda sexy...hee hee.
You are just too cute as a tranny!
I've been known to call Shaun to talk me through finding my way to places. I also keep a binder of mapquest printouts in my car...places that I *should* know how to get to!
I love the suit!
My mom is directionally challanged also. She can get lost on a straight road. No exaggeration. I've seen her do it.
That and sometimes men's clothes are just so much more comfortable!
to think, I had to get a blog to find that there were others like me in the world.
I can find certain destinations only if I approach them from one certain direction. If I have to get there from another direction, forget it--it's like I'm suddenly in a different city.
I echo your directional dyslexia...gezzz, forget to write that...lol So imagine how hard I try to make it to a hotel's lobby from my room...going to my room is a breeze though!
Happy (belater) Fun Monday!
Let me add, you like nice in that suit!
SOrry for the unscheduled hiatus. I am back now though.
My husband would say that I ,too, am directionally challenged. But it's just that I have my own way of figuring things out. Like maps. I absolutely have to turn the map so it's "going" in the same direction I am. Otherwise it doesn't make sense to me....And, I've never gotten irretrievably lost. Temporarily yes, but I always find my way back........by turning the map!
Hey! You're looking good! :)
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