However, I remembered a time back in 1978 that , our sons, Luke and Dean, did go fishing with a dear family friend, Rick, and his children. I think that Dean was 7 and Luke was 4. Since my husband and I were not experienced fisherman, we had no fishing equipment. Rick provided the children with cane poles. The children were understandably excited about the day of fishing. The small fishing expedition went to a nearby park that used to be called "The Trap Shoot" and is now called Independence Park. As I remember, the fishers returned in about an hour's time. Although I wanted the children to have a good time, I was rather hoping that they would not catch any fish. I know little about fishing and even less about cleaning fish.
Independence Park Today
As you might imagine, if I was not looking forward to cleaning a fish, I certainly did not want to butcher a turtle besides Luke would not want the turtle for food. As far as I know, Rick's friend took the turtle for soup. Or perhaps, they let the turtle return to his home in the pond.
To read about other true-to-life or not fishing stories, visit Olive for a list of participants.
Yikes. Now that is something I would certainly NOT want to catch. One could lose several fingers for sure!
I rather hope they returned the turtle to the pond. Don't think I would fancy turtle soup!
Wow, I bet the boys were very excited. :D
Wow, I bet the boys were very excited. :D
Neat-o. I think turtles are awesome creatures, and snapping turtles are just a little scary.
I cannot count how many fricking turtles we've caught over the years. As a kid you don't care though. :)
great post and I sure you son's will never forget their experience either!!
They're lucky to still have their fingers! Snapping turtles aren't very patient even under the best of circumstances...
What a shame you didn't have a "snap" of that turtle Molly.
I see Peter is getting punchy Molly. His head must be swirling from all our FM fish tales. Have you noticed that kids sometimes get lucky and have a stand in adult to help them experience things that their parents may not know or care about? Your boys can always tell about landing the big snapping turtle on their first fishing expedition.
Like you, I would have no idea about how to "deconstruct" a turtle.
Rick did a very good job with the kids. He could do all that out doors stuff very well. The kids all learned from that turtle trip to the fishing hole.
Yes, I think catching a turtle would be much worse than a fish. I can't imagine eating one, either.
Wow! That beats my scallop!
You are lucky Luke didn't want to keep the turtle as a pet!!!
I don't blame you...I wouldn't want to clean fish either.
Just stopped by to say hi, and to get your email address...it didn't work when I tried to reply to your comment. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my post!!!
I vote for the turtle being released back to the wild.
What????Rick did not eat that turtle really did he? I hope not! You don't EAT turtles, they are far too cute! Here I was all worried about all the fish and now a turtle! Its all too much for me! I hope the turtle escaped!
I actually really enjoy fishing, but there is no way in heck I like to clean them. I always toss mine back into the water anyways.
POOR turtle! I seem to be saying "poor..." a lot today.
I hope it was the latter!
Turtle soup is good eating. So I am going with the take it home to eat instead of putting it back to the water.
Cleaning fish is such a dirty job and no one really likes doing it - even me.
Corky used to drag me fishing when we were young, but I don't have a lot of patience, so it isn't really the "sport" for me. I also couldn't/wouldn't clean something like that unless my survival depended on it. I watched the Man VS. Wild guy jam his knife in to a turtle shell and then toss it on a fire and an hour later eat it.
That was TMI Tues. lol
My first time fishing was with a guide. We took our young son who wanted to go fly fishing while on vacation in Colorado. Nobody caught anything but it was fun. He still remembers his day with his very own fly fishing guru.
LOL, that was quite a catch! We haven't had that happen!
Wow, they caught a turtle! Unbelievable! Even more unbelievable is that I just posted about our fishing holliday we just returned from it yesterday..and each of my kids caught some great little fish :)
I cannot imagine cleaning and gutting a fish; I barely remember my dad and others doing that years ago. So glad this time didn't turn out to be a learning experience for YOU!
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